Thursday, January 17, 2008


I am struggling with my weight today, I think it might be the weather. I recently got engaged and only have less than four months to get to my goal weight. I have hooked up with two friends of mine to help me get the weight off. I have even made a bet of $75.00 to who loses more weight; thinking that would help me lose it. I don't know whats wrong with me. I need some advice. Please help.



Adora said...

Just steps! Celebrate your achievements and don't get too down on yourself when you fall short. Pick yourself back up and get back on it! One or two mistakes isn't the end of the world.

Sarah said...

Hi Amanda! Found you through Adora's blog.

Weather can totally sabotage a diet through mood. Trust me, Saturday night I drove like 20 km one way to get Thai take out cuz I was depressed because it's winter and cold. I was having a craving!!

My advice? Don't deprive yourself. Set aside one day a week to eat like a 'normal person' as my bf puts it.

Advice point #2: Set small goals, don't look at the 4 month picture today. Today look at where you want to be a week from today. Much less intimidating.

Just my two cents! :)

Swizzlepop said...

Found you through Adora's blog. FIrst off Congrats on getting married this year! You will be a beautiful bride. I too tried to lose weight before my wedding and it worked, but mainly because I forgot to eat the week before while runnign around and my dress was big on me the day of. Not to tell you to stop eating, but just not to worry. You look great in the picture below so I know you will be fabulous on the day of!
Next, don't stress. Eat healthy, count calories or points if you are doing WW and be sure to drink tons of water (great for your skin too) and eat lots of fruits and veggies. Read other blogs for inspiration and ideas, oh and exercise. You can totally do this and don't let anyone get in your way. Just remeber that you don't have to deprive yourself, the key is portion control and moderation and cutting out the crap (fast food, soda etc.). Healthy eating not only makes you look better but it makes you feel better, inside and out, including your moods. I have SAD and can tell a HUGE difference in my mood when I give into the crap food versus eating healthy.
Good luck!

PS (as if that wasn't long enough)
I'm going to add you to my google reader so I can keep an eye on you. :) email me if you would like access to my blog.